FREE! Weight and Balance Computer Program
for: series 3 ,4 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 aircraft

For RV10 aircraft click on this link

The weight and balance program is available for downloading in two different ways. If your server can handle large files, select the Single download option. If your server cannot handle large files, select the Double option.

The file(s) can be downloaded to anyplace on your computer. Just make sure if you are using the Double download method, you download both files to the same location.

The files will download as zipped files. After downloading is complete, locate the file(s) {SingleSet for the single download, RVDisk1 and RVDisk2 for the double download}and double click the file to open the unzip window. Click the UNZIP button. This will place the files in a folder called RV8 WB SETUP located on your "C:" drive.

Using MyComputer, open the folder (RV8 WB SETUP) and locate the Setup icon. and double click it to start the setup procedure. Setup will make a new folder on your computer titled RV8 WB. There will be an icon on your desktop to start the program. Once the program has been installed, you can delete the RV8 WB SETUP folder. Note: This program was originally made for the RV8 and adapted for the other RV aircraft.

Instructions for running the program are located by clicking Program Instructions


SINGLE download file

DOUBLE download files
Disk #1
Disk #2

LATEST UPDATE: 10/18/2001

Program updates are available for any changes made to the weight and balance program. You must have the program installed on your computer using one of the above selections before you can update it. The update file is small.

It is preferable you download the update file to your computer's desktop, so when you log off, the update will be right in front of you. The update is a zipped file. Once you download the update, click on the file wbupdate to display the unzip dialog box. Click the UNZIP button to automatically update your program. Once you are thru unzipping, you can delete the file on your desktop.

Download Weight and Balance Update

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

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